Digital Hospital

Online visits from certified doctors on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Doctors available in a couple of minutes

Receive the medical consultation wherever you are

Choose from several certified doctors with vision in the medicine of the future, when you need, without appointments, your doctor ready in real time.

Download the free app for Android, iOS, or access from your browser.


Online Medical Records

Electronic medical records

Receive and store test results, medical history, vital signs, prescriptions, certificates and medical care in one place and take them with you at all times.

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Digital Hospital

Set up your virtual practice and accept video consultations from anywhere in the world.

No schedules, no paper work, no bosses.

The job you have always dreamed of

Receive the money from your practice directly into your bank account.

Store electronic medical records, prescriptions, certificates online and digitally sign them.

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The price of the online consultation is defined by each doctor depending on the experience in his field of action, professional training, etc.

You can choose the doctor that best suits your needs and price, check the cost of a consultation with the doctors who are currently online.

The storage of medical records, prescriptions, certificates, vital signs and other digital documents is free and has no storage limit.

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Which is

...amazing, we know it.